• Find someone from The Company of Fifers & Drummers to read the Company prayer. (Dan or Dick R. should be able to help find someone, and Dan usually has a copy of the prayer.)
  • Announce the name of each corps and where they are from as they parade onto the field.
  • Sudbury returns to the field playing their entry number.
  • Welcome every one to the Nth Colonial Faire (1st was in 1971) & Invitational Ancient Muster presented jointly by the Sudbury Companies of Militia & Minute and the Sudbury Ancient Fyfe & Drum Companie.
    • Mention what is an Ancient Muster (not a competition).
    • Colonial fairs were commonplace in the fall after the harvest
    • F&D tradition in Sudbury dates back to 1650 when the town voted in town meeting to purchase a drum and halberd for the local militia. (According to Hudson’s History of Sudbury).
  • Acknowledgements:
    • Trustees of the Wayside Inn and 2 generations of Innkeepers for their generosity, encouragement and courage.
    • The Company of Fifers and Drummers and all the member corps for their continued participation and support.
    • The members of the Minute & Militia and the SAFDCO and their families for the hard work that makes this all possible.
  • Ask all to rise for a reading of The Company Prayer in remembrance of the many generations of Ancient musicians who have gone before us, and for the playing of our National Anthem (To Anacrion in heaven),
  • Announce the results of the SAFDCO elections.
  • Introduce the SAFDCO and their stand piece(s) and wing it from here on.